Buzzard Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Aristotelous

Mr Herbert

Mrs Wilson

Welcome to Buzzard Class

The Buzzard Class team


Class Teachers:

Mr Douglas Herbert

[email protected]


Mrs Wilson (Friday)

Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Parsons


SEND Teaching Assistant: Mrs Aristotelous


PPA cover: Mrs Roet (Wednesday afternoon)


In Buzzard Class the children experience a creative curriculum that provides opportunities for connections to be made between different areas of learning.  We foster an ethos of finding out and discovery of new ideas which then helps the children to direct their own learning. These include as many outdoor learning experiences as possible.  We are keen to link technology with many areas of the curriculum enabling the children to explore and use different equipment both independently and with support. 


Summer Term

A journey to the Ends of the Earth


Throughout the summer term, Buzzards will be exploring in detail our value "Service". We will learn about the importance of friendships and working for others through our book Lost and Found. In RE, we will be learning how the Judeo-Christian Creation Story encourages people from the Jewish and Christian faiths to look after the planet and the people around them.

In science, we will be learning about food chains and how the environment provides living things with the nourishment they require to survive. In DT, we will explore healthy eating and design and make fruit kebabs. During computing lessons, we will continue to use Keynote to create presentations and we will begin our journey into coding by making a simple game in Scratch.

In geography, we will use field work to discover how many people travel to the Arctic and Antarcitc Circles and use the four points of the compass to describe a journey. We will link this learning to a second book - Where the Wild Things Are, in which Max travels to the End of the Earth. 




Knowledge Organisers


      SciSum1.pngRGeography Summer 2.png

RE Summer 2.png



Our texts this term


Lost and Found

by Oliver Jeffers

lost and found.jpg


Lost and Found is a modern classic. From author/illustrator Oliver Jeffers, it tells the story of a young boy who overcomes his frustrations with an unexpected visitor and chooses to help him find his way home. However, at the journey's end, the boy realises he may have made a mistake. Not everyone is looking for a solution to their problems, some people are just looking for a friend. 

Where the Wild Things Are

by Maurice Sendak


Max is not having a great day. Feeling trapped in the house, Max takes himself on a wonderous journey to Where the Wild Things Are. Once there, he finds friends, adventure and fun but soon, he comes to realise that the things he really wanted were where he started. Sometimes, we have to go looking for something to realise we already had everything we needed. A lovely picture book that will guide us through our directional language and use of description. 




Reading Passport

We have created a Reading Passport to inspire children to read the best literature available to them. Over the course of the year, we would like your child to read 7 of the books from the list for their year group.

When they manage to read 7, they will bring their passport back into school to receive a £5 book token. 

The children will keep their passports with them all through school, hopefully finishing year 6 having read 42 amazing books.

Reading Passport Year 1.pngReading Passport Year 2.png


Important information


•       A blue sweatshirt/cardigan

•       A light blue polo shirt / shirt

•       Grey / black trousers, skirts, pinafore dresses or shorts 

•       Grey/navy/ white socks or tights

•       Sensible all black shoes or boots in winter


 PE Kit – Every Friday

•       Blue/black shorts or joggers

•       Randwick PE top

•       Black / blue fleece / jumper

•       Black daps / trainers

•       Long hair tied up / earring removed or taped up


Forest School Kit - Every Wednesday

•       Navy blue / black joggers or leggings

•       School t-shirt and school jumper

The children can wear their school shoes / PE trainers to school and bring their wellies with them in a named bag.


As the children go out in all weathers it is advised for winter the following:

•       Warm, thick socks, an ‘extra layer’, perhaps a fleece or jumper;

•       A waterproof jacket;

•       Hat and gloves

Please clearly name everything!

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