Sparrowhawk Class 2024 - 2025
Mr Gibbs
Welcome to Sparrowhawks Class
Sparrowhawks Class Team
Class Teacher: Mr A Gibbs
Class Teaching Assitant: Mrs K Chastney and Mrs K Clack
PPA cover: Mrs K Chastney on a Thursday from 11:45am
Upper Key stage 2 are significant years for children at Randwick C of E Primary School. During these years, the children learn to develop their independence and have greater responsiblilties as they begin the final steps of their journey towards secondary school. They will learn more about the world around them as well as about themselves and will make great strides in their preparation for the next big step. In our class, we work hard to understand the importance of using our growth mindsets and maintaining a positive approach towards every learning opportunity. As a class, we welcome mistakes and choose to use these as a learning opportunity whenever we can. Our class environment encapsulates our theme; we love to be creative whilst making links across the curriculum and also to our prior learning whilst benefitting from an enriched curriculum.
Spring 2
A study of a Antartica - how locations around the world are changing and explain some reasons for the changes
Antarctica, often referred to as the ‘Last Continent’, presents a unique opportunity for exploration and discovery in the field of Geography. Our topic driver is Geography, which encourages us to delve deep into the geographical changes occurring both on this vast icy landscape and across the globe. Through comprehensive research, we aim to describe how various locations worldwide are transforming and explore the underlying reasons for these changes.
As we engage with this topic, students will collect and analyse a variety of statistics and pertinent information to draw clear and substantiated conclusions about how locations are evolving. Antarctica serves as a critical case study in understanding not only the environmental challenges posed by climate change but also the socio-political dynamics influencing global geographical patterns. By utilizing diverse geographical resources such as maps, satellite images, and demographic data, students will develop detailed descriptions and form well-reasoned opinions on the characteristic features that define this intriguing continent.
Furthermore, we will investigate the geographical significance of essential concepts such as latitude, longitude, and the various hemispheres, as well as key markers like the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. Understanding these fundamental geographical concepts will allow students to grasp the broader implications of how changes in one region can affect ecosystems and communities around the globe.
Knowledge Organisers
Find out what the children will be learning and the vital vocabulary that the children will encounter.
Geography Knowledge Organiser - Antarctica
Science Knowledge Organiser- Earth and Space
RE Knowledge Organiser - Creation and science conflicting or complementary
Our Class Text
This term, we will be reading 'Survivors' by David Long
For as long as people have looked for adventure, some have also found danger… And here are the stories of survival, gloriously written by David Long and sublimely illustrated by Kerry Hyndman.
From Juliane Koepcke, the 17-year-old girl who fell from the sky in Peru as the only survivor of a plane crash above the rainforest, to Aron Ralston, who cut off his own arm after being trapped by a fallen boulder in a canyon in Colorado USA (inspiring the movie 127 Hours), these stories are thrilling, chilling, motivating and incredibly exciting.
Each story is just the perfect length to read aloud at bedtime (although may give sensitive children somewhat vivid dreams), or for children to devour alone. Kerry Hyndman's stunning illustrations bring the book alive to a fantastic degree.An anthology to inspire and help children understand how far self-belief and guts took these adventurers, and to wonder how far these qualities could take them too.
Reading Passport
Sparrowhawk Class Padlet Reading Passport
Our Reading Passport at Randwick C of E Primary, has been created to inspire children to read the best literature available to them. Over the course of the year, we would like your child to read 7 of the books from the list for their year group.
When they manage to read 7, they will bring their passport back into school to receive a £5 book token.
General uniform:
Dark blue sweatshirt/cardigan, light blue polo shirt, grey trousers/skirt/shorts, grey/navy/white socks or tights, dark coloured school shoes or boots in winter.
PE kit:
Randwick PE Shirt, navy shorts/cycling shorts/skirt, trainers, change of socks (white/grey)
In cold weather, navy blue joggers/leggings and a school sweatshirt are recommended.
Forest school kit:
Navy blue joggers, school t-shirt and school jumper. They can wear their shoes/trainers to school and bring their wellies with them in a bag. Don’t forget a waterproof coat!