Sparrowhawk Class 2023 - 2024

Mr Gibbs

Welcome to Sparrowhawks Class 


Sparrowhawks Class Team 

Class Teacher: Mr A Gibbs 

[email protected]

Class Teaching Assitant: Mrs K Chastney 

PPA cover: Mrs K Chastney on a Thursday from 11:45am 


Upper Key stage 2 are significant years for children at Randwick C of E Primary School.  During these years, the children learn to develop their independence and have greater responsiblilties as they begin the final steps of their journey towards secondary school. They will learn more about the world around them as well as about themselves and will make great strides in their preparation for the next big step. In our class, we work hard to understand the importance of using our growth mindsets and maintaining a positive approach towards every learning opportunity. As a class, we welcome mistakes and choose to use these as a learning opportunity whenever we can. Our class environment encapsulates our theme; we love to be creative  whilst making links across the curriculum and also to our prior learning whilst benefitting from an enriched curriculum. 


Summer 1

This term, our curriculum driver will be Georgraphy; we will be explorig the question 'Why do people choose to live in Randwick and Stroud?' 

We will be using our geographical skills to collect and analyse statistics and other information in order to draw clear conclusions about the area that we live. In addition to this, we will identify and describe how the physical features affect the human activity within a location. We will go out into the local area to complete our fieldwork objectives this term. 

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Knowledge Organisers

Find out what the children will be learning and the vital vocabulary that the children will encounter. 

Geography Knowledge Organiser - Why do people choose to live in Randwick and Stroud?

Science Knowledge Organiser- Forces

RE Knowledge Organiser - Why do some people believe in God and some people do not?


Our Class Text

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This term, we will be reading 'Clockwork or All Wound Up' by Philip Pullman  

Tick, tick, tick, tock. Once you've wound some things up nothing can stop them . . .

It is a cold winter's night when Karl enters the White Horse Tavern looking like he's swallowed a thundercloud. His final task as a clockmaker apprentice is to make a new figure for the great clock of Glockenheim. He has not made the figure - or got any idea of what it could be, and the unveiling is tomorrow.

Fritz is also in the tavern; there to read aloud his new spooky story. Like Karl, he hasn't finished. Well, he knows how the story starts and he knows it's called Clockwork - so, with the snow swirling down outside, he sets his story going and just has to hope that the ending will come to him as he tells it.

Suddenly, Fritz's story and real life merge in a completely sinister way - and just like clockwork it can't be stopped . . .


Reading Passport

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Our Reading Passport at Randwick C of E Primary, has been created to inspire children to read the best literature available to them. Over the course of the year, we would like your child to read 7 of the books from the list for their year group.

When they manage to read 7, they will bring their passport back into school to receive a £5 book token. 



General uniform:

Dark blue sweatshirt/cardigan, light blue polo shirt, grey trousers/skirt/shorts, grey/navy/white socks or tights, dark coloured school shoes or boots in winter.


PE kit:

Randwick PE Shirt, navy shorts/cycling shorts/skirt, trainers, change of socks (white/grey)

In cold weather, navy blue joggers/leggings and a school sweatshirt are recommended.


Forest school kit:

Navy blue joggers, school t-shirt and school jumper. They can wear their shoes/trainers to school and bring their wellies with them in a bag. Don’t forget a waterproof coat!

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