Phonics at Randwick
At Randwick, we pride ourselves on being a school committed to developing competent readers with a love for reading; this runs right through our school community, from the children, to the parents and all members of our school staff team. We recognise how important it is to develop a passion for reading in our children, to enable them to be successful learners in all areas of the curriculum and in life beyond our school.
Our Key Aims for reading:
- For all children to develop the skills, confidence and passion to develop a life-long love of reading.
- To ensure that reading is prioritised across all elements of the curriculum.
- When starting at Randwick to ensure that all children quickly develop the early reading skills they need with phonics at the heart of the provision.
- Develop phonetic skills which lead to blending and reading fluently.
- Instil a love of reading for pleasure that lasts a lifetime while ensuring that children understand the value of reading as a life skill
- Encourage children to become enthusiastic and reflective readers by introducing them to a range of genres and authors
- Develop children’s confidence, fluency and independence as a reader when reading for different purposes
- To ensure that all children are provided with the support needed to catch up quickly if they fall behind.
Phonics and it's role in Early Reading
We give a high priority to the teaching of phonics as we know that reading is a lifelong skill that unlocks all learning. Our aim is for all pupils to leave our school being able to read fluently and have a love of reading. Therefore, we are dedicated to ensuring that early reading, through phonics, is taught effectively every day.
What is phonics?
Phonics is an approach to teaching some aspects of literacy, by developing pupils' knowledge and understanding of the relationship between written symbols and sounds. It is a method of teaching children to read by linking sounds (phonemes) and the symbols that represent them (graphemes, or letter groups). This is the approach used at Randwick to teach reading.
Phonics involves breaking words down (segmenting them) into sound chunks and sounding them out before blending the sounds together. We use the DfE validated systematic, synthetic phonics scheme Phonics Bug to support our delivery of early reading sessions.
High quality teaching and learning in phonics is crucial in establishing accurate and fluent readers across the Early Years, Key Stage One, and beyond.
At Randwick we believe that reading is a skill which is taught through planned, systematic phonics lessons which lead to the enjoyment of a range of books and the ability to access information independently. Through their own reading, we hope that children will develop their individual tastes in literature, develop an interest in reading and be able to understand and justify their own choice of books.
Teaching of Phonics at Randwick
We use Phonics Bug, a systematic, synthetic phonics programme to teach with rigour and fidelity. We teach our phonics, so that it is accessible to all, by planning for 100% engagement from each child. Synthetic systematic phonics is a key skill that supports the development of early reading.
We place our quality phonics teaching in a language rich curriculum, with exposure to a range of both physical and digital texts. We continually aim to make strides towards closing the word gap.
Working alongside parents and carers we want to provide our pupils with the skills they need to have a successful start to their lives as readers and to ensure that our children develop a love of reading.
In order to implement our intent, and measure its impact, we:
- Explicitly teach phonics daily in EYFS and KS1, with high expectations of all children.
- Plan and teach following the rigorous sequential approach using Bug Club Phonics program.
- Follow Bug Club Phonics progression map to ensure clear milestones for each year group.
- Have a strong start in EYFS, ensuring we start phonics teaching immediately after settling in, then following the progression document.
- Continue to use Phonics in KS2 for children requiring support, and for spelling strategies for all children.
- Teach our classes as a whole group thereby employing a ‘keep-up’, rather than ‘catch-up’ approach.
- Provide plenty of opportunity throughout the day for children to revise and apply their new phonics knowledge.
- Ensure each phonics lesson involves all children learning, all of the time, following the same structure
- Revisit and review
- Teach
- Practise
- Apply
- Use assessment for learning strategies to identify those at risk of falling behind, and to provide additional challenges for those that need it. We ‘scoop up’ quickly, by providing planned interventions that are delivered outside of the daily phonics lesson.
- Undertake assessment of phonics learning termly. This data is monitored by individual class teachers, but also by the Phonics Lead and SLT. Teachers and the Phonics Lead ensure this information is fed back into planning.
- Use Phonics Bug actions and rhymes to support the teaching of graphemes. These are consistent across the school.
- Ensure our resources (including flash cards, actions, and slides) are consistent across the school.
- Ensure all our staff undertake regular training in the delivery of our phonics programme.
- Undertake supportive monitoring of phonics planning and teaching, so that we can continually develop our practice.
- Make every effort to support parents and carers with learning at home. This includes parent workshops, resources to practise graphemes and sight words.
- Provide reading books that are matched to the individual child’s phonic knowledge and that are 100% phonically decodable.
At Randwick, daily formative assessment plays a vital role in the early identification of any pupils who are in danger of falling behind in their phonics learning.
Staff have an understanding of an array of short, targeted interventions. These interventions are delivered with identified children with the aim that they will ‘keep up’ rather than having to ‘catch up’.
How you can help at home:
Reading every night at home with your child
We ask that you support by reading a little every day with your child, talking about the story, characters, predicting what migh happen next. There are usually ideas for things to ask or talk about on the front and back cover of the home reading books Bug Club books).
Jargon busting the key terms we use in our teaching
Pure Sounds – pronouncing the sounds of letters and combinations of letters correctly, for example not saying ‘muh’ but ‘mm’. Avoid trying to say an ‘uh’ at the end of the sound.
Oral blending – hearing a series of sounds and merging them together to say the word, for example an adult says ‘b-u-s’ and the child says ‘bus’.
Blending – children see a word, say those individual sounds in the word and then merges those sounds together to hear the whole words like c-a-t makes ‘cat’. This is vital for reading.
Segmenting – the opposite to blending. Children break up the word into its component sounds. This is vital for spelling and writing words.
Phoneme – The smallest unit of sound. There are approximately 44 in the English language to learn.
Grapheme – the written form of a phoneme. They can be made up of different numbers of letters for example 1 letter – s, 2 letters – ai, 3 letters – igh.
Digraph – two letters that make one phoneme, for example oo, oa, ee
Trigraph – three letters that make one phoneme, for example ear, igh, air
Split digraph –you may know this as the’magic e’? It is when a digraph (ie) has been split and a consonant has been placed in the middle. The ‘ie’ is still making the sound despite a letter in the middle. There are five split digraphs to learn:
i_e like in time
a_e like in cake
o_e like in joke
e_e like in theme
u_e like in tube
Long vowel sound – The long vowel sound is the same as the name of the vowel itself. Follow these rules: 1. Long A sound is AY as in cake. 2. Long E sound is EE an in sheet. 3. Long I sound is AHY as in like. 4. Long O sound is OH as in bone. 5. Long U sound is YOO as in human or OO as in crude. Long vowel sounds are often created when two vowels appear side by side in a syllable
Short vowel sound - If a word contains only one vowel, and that vowel appears in the middle of the word, the vowel is usually pronounced as a short vowel. c-a-t, or th-u-n-d-er
Decoding/decodable – being able to ‘sound out’ the word into its component phonemes.
Syllable - Words are made up of different parts, these are called syllables. We often count syllables in a word by clapping the units of sound e.g. Christ-mas (2) hel-i-cop-ter (4) tin (1) cin-e-ma (3)
Polysyllabic – a word that is made up of more than one syllable.
Sound buttons – ways of visually isolating different sounds in a word. We use a dot under letters where one letter makes one sound and a line understand digraphs or trigraphs.
Every time the button is pressed your child makes the sound and then blends all the sounds together to read the words. The word ‘cat’ would have three dot sounds buttons and ‘moon’ would also have three but the ‘oo’ would have a longer line button underneath.
We recognise that a strong transition programme between Years 2 and 3 is essential for success across the curriculum, but especially in reading.
Our Key Stage 2 teachers and support staff have received phonics training; this ensures that the strength in our phonics programme does not come to an end because the children have entered the junior phase of their education. In additon, our intervention and support programme continues until the point when pupils become fluent readers.
It is important that we model the correct pronunciation when teaching phonics and supporting the children to read. This is link provides a great reminder of how to pronounce each letter
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Reading – we encourage daily reading of their school (scheme) book, but also sharing books at other times. We have a big focus on reading for pleasure and the children are able to choose a book from the school library with their Y6 buddy.
Each week one child will bring home our class reading bear, they choose a book we have previously shared during story time in class from our class library to bring home to share with you and the bear.