Owl Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Donaldson
Welcome to Owl Class
The Owl Class team
Mrs Donaldson
Teaching Assistant : Mrs Aristotelous
Mrs Chastney
(covers two afternoons per week: Monday and Friday)
In Owl Class we love to challenge ourselves, try new things and work hard to build strong relationships with friends and our teachers, as we settle into life at school. Although we have many exciting things planned for each term, the children also guide their own learning, bringing a vast amount of knowledge, experiences and interests with them. We want every child to be curious, love to learn and be prepared for their journey through primary school.
Spring 2025
Into the night sky
This term we are using the topic 'into the night sky' as a starting point to inspire our learning; we will find out about what we can and can't see in the sky at night, share stories about adventures to the moon and develop our understanding of the planet we live on.
Some of our books this term ...
Our topic web which maps out the learning opportunities planned for this term:
At Randwick we are passionate about reading and fostering a love for the adventures on which our books will take us. We begin our reading journey as soon as we start at school, learning phonics, sharing books in school and with our families.
Fuzzy, our reading bear, loves to come home with us bringing a book from our class library with him to share the magic of reading beyond the classroom.
Owl class love to look back at all their previous learning on Tapestry and talk about how much they have learned and discovered so far this year.
Click here to see how our curriculum is designed in EYFS
Important information
Dark blue sweatshirt/cardigan, light blue polo shirt, grey trousers/skirt/shorts, grey/navy/white socks or tights, dark coloured school shoes or boots in winter
PE kit:
Randwick PE t-shirt, navy shorts/cycling shorts, daps or trainers, change of socks (white/grey)
In cold weather, navy blue joggers/leggings and a school sweatshirt are recommended
Forest school kit: (every Thursday morning)
Navy blue joggers, usual t-shirt and school jumper. They can wear their shoes to school and bring their wellies with them in a bag or leave them on the welly stack.
As we go out in all weathers please ensure your child has a waterproof coat, waterproof trousers and welly boot socks.
Please make sure all clothing is clearly named