Parents and Friends of Randwick School (PFoRs)
Parents and Friends of Randwick School is a registered charity whose main aim is fundraising to advance and enrich the education of pupils in the school and support school activities.
We’re a small group and would welcome anyone connected to our school to come along and join in with any ideas and help assisting any of the events we put together, no matter how much time you are able to commit.
Our meetings are held in person and online, details are usually issued in the weekly school newsletter and our Facebook page (search for Randwick PFoRS). In person meetings are usually at The Vine Tree pub in Randwick Village.
Please also see the link to our constitution if you are interested.
We have managed to raise several thousand pounds over the last few years, which has paid for a wide variety of resources, equipment and activities for the children. Please see our posters outlining what we managed to raise for the 2023 / 2024 school year and how we supported the school with this money.
As ever, there are increasing budgetary requirements for schools and Randwick is no different. The need for fundraising continues and some events we’ve held in the past include:
- Stalls at the Randwick WAP
- Christmas Fayres and Raffles
- Discos
- Movie Nights
- Spring Trails
- Personalised Christmas Cards and Tea Towels
- Friday Treats (Ice cream in summer – popcorn in winter)
- Second Hand Uniform Sales
- Sponsored runs
- Pub Quiz
We also hold non-fundraising events for the children’s enjoyment such as Christmas and Easter scavenger hunts, Reindeer and Santa visits, Touring Pantomimes and more depending on budget.
We know that many of you get involved in our calls for volunteers at our events which is fantastic and we really couldn’t do it without your support so thank you! Another thank you to those who purchase, sponsor or donate items to our fundraising events – we also could not raise our funds without you! Finally, a special thank you to all our existing committee members who do so much organising / co-ordinating in their own time behind the scenes, this really wouldn’t happen at all without you!
If you are interested in coming along to find out more about what we do, please get in touch 😊