Design and technology at Randwick
At Randwick we believe that D&T should be an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. We introduce our children to a broad range of design skills and exploration of a variety of making and modelling techniques. We encourage our children to solve design problems for real life situations, to compare and evaluate their creations. Our curriculum requires a broad range of knowledge drawn from other subjects, such as mathematics, science, computing and art.
D&T helps children to learn how to take risks, become resourceful and innovative, as well as promoting enterprising opportunities.
As a school we use the DT Association 'Projects on a Page' scheme of work to support our planning, map out the skills coverage and provide build up tasks in preperation for the design and planning phase of each task. This means our children develop their own DT skills set through practise and progression alongside investigative work, developing skills and techniques and teacher modelling. They use DT logs for each project which records the research, build up tasks, skills practise and design ideas, along with their reflection and evaluation.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Design and Technology is found in different Early Learning Goals. The children in EYFS will develop their fine motor skills and expressive art and design whilst they explore fabric, food and the mechanical elements of D&T.
Throughout the year, Owls have experiences designing, constructing, joining and adding detail, including with fabrics.
Key Stage 1
- Select from a range of tools, equipment and materials.
- Explore and use mechanisms (levers, sliders, wheels and axles) in products
- To use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes
- To understand where food comes from.
- Evaluate ideas and products against design criteria.
- Explore and evaluate a range of existing products.
Key Stage 2
- Generate, develop,model and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated sketches.
- Apply understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures.
- Use research to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups.
- Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through crosssectional and exploded diagrams, pattern pieces and computer aided design.
- Understand and use electrical systems in products
- Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet. Prepare and cook a variety of predominately savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques
- Understand seasonality and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared caught and processed.
- Evaluate ideas and products against own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve work
National Curriculum - Design and Technology Key Stage 1 and 2
How can I support my child at home?
At home, there are several different ways you can support your child with Design and Technology. These can be things such as planning and cooking the evening meal or making models with a function or purpose.
There are number of different museums and events in the local area and beyond that support D&T thinking.
Cardiff Techniquest:
Stratford Park Museum:
Gloucestershire Steam Railway:
Further Support and Useful websites
Oak National Academy -
Key Stage 1
BBC Bitesize (KS1)
Oak National Academy -
Key Stage 2
BBC Bitesize (KS2)
Oak National Academy -
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