Geography at Randwick



"Geography is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant. For me geography is a great adventure with a purpose."

Michael Palin


Geography at Randwick is taught as the main topic for three (half) terms per year, on a two year rolling programme. During the course of each topic, the children take part in a wide range of rich experiences which help bring the topics to life. We visit rivers, museums, convert classrooms to tropical rainforest and take virtual tours, and include fieldwork as often as possible.

Our bespoke knowledge organisers set out the key facts, vocabulary and skills and we assess children against these criteria at the end of the topic. 

Our children experience the wider world in a variety of contexts. They explore other cultures and learn how to respect diversity, co-operate with one another and appreciate what they have. In our lessons, we work to create links to children in Gloucester, Europe and beyond and encourage communication between schools as part of our topics.


 We ensure that children become aware of connections between different areas of geography and there is an emphasis on revisiting previous learning to ensure children are aware of how all the elements of geography fit together.  Our golden threads through Geography are to investigate places (fieldwork, location, finding places on maps and atlases and apps); investigate patterns (similarities and differences, weather patterns, changing places, diversity including the UN Sustainable Development Goals and climate change); communicate geographically (key aspects of human and physical geography, compass directions, vocabulary) and compare places and patterns with Randwick.

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In EYFS, Children can describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observations, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts and maps.  They can explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries, drawing on knowledge from stories, non-fiction texts and maps.  They know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.

The Geography curriculum in schools in England

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In the EYFS, georaphy is included within the Understanding the World and Communication and Language areas of learning. As with other learning in Reception, your child will mainly learn about science through games and play – preparing toys for the different seasons in the UK or for a holiday abroad, for example. Activities such as these will help your child to develop important skills such as observation, prediction and critical thinking.

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)

The content of geography teaching and learning is set out in the 2014 National Curriculum for primary schools in England. Within this, 4 main areas are repeated across year groups, meaning that children revisit a particular skill or concept in each year of primary school but with increasing difficulty and with a different focus each time.

These four areas of learning are: Locational knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and physical geography, and Geographical skills and fieldwork.

Geography in KS1

Locational knowledge

Chiildren will be taught about the continents, oceans and the United Kingdom. 

Place Knowledge

Children will learn about the human and physical features of our local area and compare this with a non-European island.

Human and Physical geography

Children will learn aboout local and global weather patterns, and the climate around the globe. In KS1, the children will focus on extending their geographical vocabulary. 

Geographical skills and fieldwork

The children will be taught to use the four-point compass, a range of simple maps and aerial photographs for observations and navigation and multiple uses of an atlas.

Geography in KS2

Locational knowledge

Children will be taught in more detail about the geographical features of the globe including longitude and latitude; they will extend their knowledge of the physcial geography of the United Kingdom and the continents around the world. 

Place Knowledge

Children will learn about the human and physical features of the United Kingdom and comapre these with various locations around the world including European cities and countries and locations outside of Europe. 

Human and Physical geography

Children will learn more aboout global the climate around the globe and its relationship to biomes and environments. In KS2, the children will focus on extending their knowledge of human geography including land use around the world and different global economies.

Geographical skills and fieldwork

The children will be taught to use the eight-point compass, a range of maps and aerial photographs for observations, navigation and enquiry, multiple uses of an atlas, and a rnage of fieldwork techniques for collecting data. 

How to Help at Home

  • Use maps, guides and charts to inform family walks. 
  • When out and about in different environments, talk about the weather, plantlife and animals you spot.
  • Keep diaries and journals including weather trackers, wildlife spotters and travel information. 
  • Talk about the different types of settlements you pass through when on a journey (e.g. village, town and city) and the different types of land use (farmland, woodland etc) - can you spot any pattenrs over time? 
  • Create maps of familiar journeys you may take or make a map of your home or garden. 
  • Visit working farms and resevoirs to better understand the relationship humans share with the living world. 

Further support and useful websites

The BBC Bitesize websites link to videos, games and information a wide range of geographical knowledge:

The Geographical Association is the leading organisation supporting geographical teacher in the UK. Their resources are available at:

The Royal Geographical Society has also published a wealth of resources to help teachers and parents:

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